I had considerable trouble with the Super Pet cage that did not just relate
to the tubes going outside of the cage.  I really wanted the thing to work,
but one of the shelf clips broke, the tubes came apart several times, and
my female was able to get out of the cage because the gap between the cage
bars was too wide at the top (which really scared me, because she then
couldn't retract her head and might have broken her neck thrashing about
had I not been there to hold her still until we figured out how to get her
out).  I hope that you will not experience any of the same problems.  Even
having to try to put one of those tubes back together once the cage is
apart is very difficult.
These are design flaws that just should not have happened.  I should not
have to ferret-proof a cage that was supposedly designed for ferrets.
My female weighs about 1.7 lbs.  My guess is that about 25% of ferrets
could at least get their head wedged in that space that she did, if not get
out of the cage.  Those are some spectacularly lousy odds.  All it takes is
a little homework.  My female is within normal size range.  In fact, she's
right on the bell curve.  It's this total lack of accountability on the
part of Pets International that I find frightening and totally
I did try to get a hold of someone, ANYONE at Pets International, but no
one would speak to me or return my calls, even though I was very civil.
They did not want to address my concerns at all.
I totally disapprove of their practices as a company and have seen other
products sold by them that are not ferret safe.  I urge you to keep a close
eye on your ferrets and their interaction with Super Pet products.  Good
luck with the new cage.
-- Serena Renee * [log in to unmask]
<a href="http://www.visi.com/~starla/intro.html">The Certain Madness
and Questionable Genius of Serena Renee</a>
"Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out."
- Carl Sagan
[Posted in FML issue 2588]