Katharine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>The following information is from
>"Rehabilitation of North American Wild Mammals: Feeding and Nutrition" by
>Debbie Marcum.  According to the author, there is no known published milk
>analysis for weasels, so the mink was used.  For the weasel/mink, it
>appears the best formula is as follows: ...
>You can substitute an oral electrolyte solution for the water if
>dehydration is a concern.  A tiny pinch of salt will also help the
This is the book and the formula I was going to post after my vacation.
Thank you Katharine!  The only thing I would change here is that I cannot
recommend the pinch of salt.
>If they are very tiny, tube feeding is probably needed.  That is, a tube
>is inserted into their stomach for feeding.
I agree with this.  Tube-feeding can be taught by a veterinarian or
experienced rehabber.  It should not be attempted without good instruction.
Once you know how to do this, it is not difficult nor is it stressful to
the animal.
>Set the heating pad on medium.  As they get a little older, only put about
>half of the aquarium on the heating pad so they can move off the heat if
>they want to.
I agree with the above, except the heating pad should be on low unless THAT
PARTICULAR heating pad doesn't heat as well, then it should go to medium.
Test it before you use it with the animals.  I have seen someone at a rehab
center (not mine) that killed some baby opossums by overheating them.  They
literally cooked.
>Our bodies do NOT provide adequate heat.
Actually, our bodies are excellent to warm up cold (hypothermic) babies.
Once they are warm, however, the aquarium/heating pad setup will work
>It is normally also necessary to stimulate them to go to the bathroom when
>they are very tiny.  I'm not sure if this applies to ferrets or not.  With
>squirrels, this is usually necessary until their eyes open.
True of most mammals that are born with eyes closed, including skunks (so I
assume weasels and ferrets).
Perhaps you should look into licensing.  You sound like you'd be good!  :-)
>Kim, please correct me if I have given out any erroneous information.
>BTW, the zoologic and Esbilac can be purchased through Jeffers if you
>can't find it locally.
That is usually where I get it.
The colostrum substitute can be obtained there too.  I can't remember the
name of the product, but I will post it when I get home.
[Posted in FML issue 2588]