Hi everyone,
As some of you may remember, my four ferrets were very ill this past fall.
A viral infection led to an opportunistic Clostridium infection which led
to an over-growth of yeast.  We were lucky enough to have an excellent
ferret vet (Dr. Kim at Ridgefield Animal Hospital in New Jersey) who knew
which medications would clear it up.
Everyone's weight has been either stable (Seymore's and Brickbat's) or
increasing (Bumblebee's and Kili's) since November 14th of last year.  They
are eating fine, active, etc.  The problem appears in the litter box 2-3
times a week: green poop.  Not a lot, usually solid.  I'm not exactly sure
who is doing it; I saw Brickbat do it once but she sleeps in the travel
carrier at night and I haven't seen it in there since.
The first few weeks after they recovered I just assumed the miscellaneous
green poops were a sign of their little systems readjusting themselves.
Could this still be true?  Are they getting sick again?  Or have their
little intestinal systems been permanently damaged?
On a more positive note, Kili is back up to a huggable 2 lbs.  12 ounces
from an all-time adult low of 2 lbs.  3 ounces at the worst part of their
illness.  WHEW!
Any assistance from those dealing with recovering ferrets would be
appreciated; I'm starting to get worried all over again.
(with the ferrets: Bumblebee, Brickbat, Seymore, and Kili)
[Posted in FML issue 2556]