Hi everybody
I have a problem with a visiting ferret.  My nieces ferret Casper is
staying with us and she has been limping for the last 4 days.  We can move
her leg and she doesnt make any noise, but she wont walk on it.  She kinda
drags it.  She isnt as aggressive in play with our other 3 ferrets as she
was before.  She walks around and then lays down.  We they dont play ruff
with her.  She has been with us for about 3 months, and before this she was
playing hardily.Yesterday we took her to the vet and had exrays done.
There wasnt any breaks fractures or tumors.  The vet gave her a shot to
ease the pain (she didnt seem to be in pain).  Any ideas?
Lydia, Casper, Ossi, Issi, and Snickers
[Posted in FML issue 2556]