This is probably a strange question, but I am going to ask it anyway.  I
got my ferret, Pepper, on Dec 12 1998 and he weighed only 1 lb 4 oz, his
coat was short and very coarse.  But his tail is something else.  He has
so little fur on his tail that you can see the skin, it looks like a rats
tail.  Not at the base, it has as much fur as his body, but the tip from
about halfway down.  I took him to the vet and he was tested for adrenal
(neg).  I give him tone and vite every day and now his coat is softer
(still not silky, but better) and he has gained 1/2 pound.  Anybody else
have a "tail problem" ferret??
Pepper (Mooooooommmmmmm, do you have to tell the whole world bout my tail?
Geez, big mouth, give me a raisin, that will make it better)
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[Posted in FML issue 2555]