Okay, new story today!  We've now had TWO different people calling on two
different pretexts to the owner of these ferrets in Michigan to find out
what's really happening.
The first call was "we can organise some homes for these ferrets, how many
do you have, and how many where there and can we help?"  That got the
response "Misprint in the paper, not that many ferrets, and they're almost
all gone now and don't want help"
The second call, from Linda Iroff, was "I'm a breeder looking for breeding
animals do you have any?" The response this time?  "I have HEAPS of ferrets
left, and give them out in trios (two males one female) to breed from.
You're welcome to them"
Okay, so the owner isn't giving the full story out, just what he thinks the
people want to hear.
Right now, I'm wondering what the people in Michigan are planning to do to
educate the people who have taken these other ferrets.  I know that some
people are overworked and the shelter operators are in many cases full.
The shelter operators don't need to be the only ones out there involved in
educating the public.  They're the ones knee deep in ferret poop already
trying to help the ferrets they have.  The private owners who have some
time, and there will be many of those, can just go out to their local pet
stores and vets and leave pamphlets with information and/or a phone number
so people can ask questions.  Owners from all over do that and suddenly,
there seems to be information going out to those who are ignorant of proper
ferret care!  Only a little done by many equals a lot.
Okay, onto the next point.  I have spent years doing my best to help the
ferret community and ferrets in general.  I am still learning all I can
about ferrets, and I can never learn enough about them.  The day I stop
learning, is the day I die.  However, some people have sent me emails
asking how someone from way over here can know more about the locals?
Well, I'll tell you something.  ANYONE who is interested in knowing the
TRUTH will be willing to take any and all information available to them,
and try to sift out the bull from the reality.  Now, generally, when the
SOURCE of problem (in this case the owner of the ferrets) says something,
you take this as the truth, and not the 'rumour' that has been passed from
hand to hand and phone to phone and internet message to email.  Come on,
you've got to be kidding right?  I don't care where you live, if you're
willing to make the phone calls and talk to the source, then you take what
you're given as truth!  In this case, who knows the full truth, the guy is
being cagey and won't give it.  So, if anyone chooses to believe someone's
gossip over the original source, they are free to do so, but I prefer NOT
to receive rude emails saying that I do not check out my information.
Shortly, I'm sure, I will calm down and respond to this person who outright
told me that she does not read this so-called "fascist FML" and yet quotes
pieces of it at will.  Until that time, I'm off to try to finish what I
started a long time ago.  Actually help the ferrets, not harm them by
sending malicious notes and spreading unproven rumours.
To see some awesome ferret cards, drop in on
[Moderator's note: Sounds like the same person who called me all sorts of
names because I didn't allow her post which called a subscriber a "shameful
idiot".  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2554]