I *knew* I should have posted yesterday!!  <sigh> All my fault for not
posting for yesterdays FML.
Okay, the story with these "250 pair" of Michigan ferrets is this...
Razz, from Kansas, did some excellent phone calling work for me (well,
it's cheaper than calling from New Zealand!!) when I got hold of the phone
number of this 'retiring' person.
First piece of good news is that the newspaper stuffed up.  They misprinted
the number!  There were nowhere near that many ferrets involved.  Second
piece of good news is that most of the ferrets have been homed.  As of the
time the owners were contacted, there were only a few ferrets left to home,
and the person did *not* want help homing them <sigh> In face he was quite
So, the 500 ferrets (or 250 pair) has gone from immediate panic session to
something that's under control by the owner.
Thanks to everyone who released the news to have those guys rehomed
quickly.  It was great that people jumped in on this when the need was
seen, and also great that the situation wasn't as desperate as perviously
For those ferrets and owners that need our help...
visit Ferrets In Need! at
[Posted in FML issue 2553]