Hello and happy New Year to everyone.   I also want to thank everyone who
has donated to us, you know who you are and we feel blessed.
We just took in a rescue, Nike, a few days ago.  We were told he was around
a year old.  In my opinion and that of our Vets it seems that is true.
Like many brought into rescues, he had a bad case of ear-mites, his nails
seemed to have never been clipped before, so needed a little care.  While
I was doing my initial assesment of him I found a large lump on his neck.
At first I thought this was a abcess, since it seemed to be scabby and
bleeding a bit.  What first seemed odd, was no puss.  Anyways, I decided to
bring him into see the Doc.  Well, Nike has a tumor, about the size of a
large grape.  The Doc removed it and seems to feel pretty good already.
Whats odd, is its not just a skin mass, it seems to be malignant.  We won't
know for sure untill its tested, which I'm trying to get our local college
to do, since as a shelter it's pretty difficult do anything more than the
atual medical nesseseties.  Anyways from looking at it and in my Vets
opinion, it looks like one which is malignant.  Its seems very odd to me
and to the Doc that such a young kid should get such a thing.  I'm
wondering if anyone out there in FML land has had any similar problems with
such a young kid?  If so, did getting rid of the tumor do it or should we
be looking for anything else?  I'm not sure if this is just a isolated
situation or a just the beginning of something more serious for this sweet
I also have to tell everyone how sad this makes me, Nike is the sweetest
ferret ever.  He's put up with all this earcleaning, surgeries and poking
and proddings so well.  Though it sometimes hurts and he cries out, he only
licks the hand inflicting such pain.  Anyone who can give me any advise
I'll be so happy to hear from you.  And everyone please keep this gentle
baby in your prayers.
Dooks to all,
Kristine, Bear, Syvia, Moby and Sid
Friends Of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
Bend, OR
Help Friends of Fuzzies every time you browse or shop on-line-at no cost to
you.  Just begin by clicking here
[Posted in FML issue 2553]