>From:    Staudt <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Update on Meep
In reference to a request about heliobacter, it is a bacterium that is
commonly found in the gut of both ferrets and man.  It has been implicated
in dramatically increasing the likelyhood of stomach ulcers and other
complications.  I believe it also increases the amount of stomach acid
produced, which can lead to reflux esophagitis, which is when the acid is
forced upwards into the esophagus, creating a burning sensation.  The
attempts at vomitting could be a result of excess stomach acid.  The vet's
use of antibiotics would remove the heliobacter organism (hopefully) and
alleviate these symptoms.  I know zantac is often perscribed in both
animals and man for these problems, zantac is an over the counter drug
which blocks stomach acid production, but doesn't reduce the existing acid.
This lowers the acidity of the stomach and helps prevent the acid reflux or
heartburn.  That's about all i know.  I am neither a doctor nor vet, just
   Robert Dejournett             [log in to unmask]
   Graduate Student
   Graduate School of Biomedical Science
   University of Texas Houston
[Posted in FML issue 2543]