It sounds to me like there is an overiding problem for young Sturmie (like
the flu) and that kidney failure is being caused by that problem (from a
symptom like dehydration).  Several years ago we lost Pande to kidney
failure (diagnosed thru blood panel) due to old age (8+).  On vet's advice
we changed her diet to one with less protein and took her in periodically
for sub-q fluids to help clear out the toxins her kidneys were not able to
handle.  This only helped for a short time (she definitely felt better
after each treatment though), and we kept having to do it more frequently.
The sub-q fluids were very uncomfortable and stressful for her (she looked
like a balloon) so the decision was made to put her down.  She in her
wisdom went into a coma and died the day before she was scheduled to.
Yes, some kidney damage can be reversed.  One of our cats showed some
damage thru a blood panel.  She had not been drinking enough water due to
the effects of her epilepsy medication.  We were able to correct this and
put her on a lower protein diet and in subsequent blood panels she showed
no damage whatsoever.
A blood panel shows how the organs are functioning thru many individual
readings.  The glucose reading is what they'll pay attention to for
insulinoma although I wonder if it will be accurate if Sturmie is off his
food.  With insulinoma you want a high protein diet, and with kidney
problems you want a low protein diet.
Many thoughts and much luck.
(SC Ellis-Blackwell)
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[Posted in FML issue 2551]