(Oops, I deleted the name of the original poster, this appeared on 1/7.
>Thanks for your advice and all the support I get from you all.I
>don't get much support from my family and friends when it comes to the
>fuzzies.  They all think I'm a little nuts and should "get a life".
>It's nice to know that there are at least three thousand other people
>in this world who are as crazy as I am!
I just wanted to reply:  "Here, here!"
It's amusing to be talking about my ferrets and have someone say "Oh, you
have a ferret?" to which I reply "No, I have 5!" then I get a funny look
and "My, gosh, you must be crazy!"  Yup...I just giggle to myself and think
"Yeah, but someone I *know* has 20!" :-)
Personally, I think it's crazy NOT to have your life run by a bunch of 2
pound furballs!
[Posted in FML issue 2549]