Hi All!
Being a long time watcher and never a contributor, I thought I would put
forth a little information... given the conversations recently in regards
to the Feret Store, I thought I would let all know about another great
little on-line and catalog place - Pet Warehouse.
While they don't have as many things as the Ferret Store does, a lot of the
things that they do have are at slightly better prices - even when you
include shipping.  So, as an alternative for some of your ferret shopping
needs, visit: http://petwhse.com
I have been using them for years for my Kaytee food my amazing Boyz chow
down as well as dog supplies - very reliable, great service and secure web
Good luck and condolences to all of those that have corssed the bridge....
-Michelle and the Boyz
Hobart - I rule even if I don't use my box outside of jail!
Hobbit - so, I need to go on a diet - who cares! Its the holidays mom!
Odin - the white wonder
Bacchus - anyone wanna play? Huh, Huh???
and the visitors:
Dax - I am feeling better - I may be the smallest but I will kick anyones
Footsie - ahhh.... peace at last.... Bacchus!!!
Camy the ferret guard dog - I am a girl, and I like those Boyz!
(Missed dearly: Hobbes, Hodgepodge, Hocktraben, Homer and Hoshi)
[Posted in FML issue 2548]