Now that my crew has 2 girls as well as 2 boys, I'm beginning to think I'm
not just imagining this...
Has anyone noticed that their ferret girls "corner" differently than the
boys do?  What I mean is, they seem to have a different sort of gait
pattern or /something/ when they dash around a corner very quickly.
The girls seem to have a lagging-fuzzbutt factor (either that or they
are just so much faster than the boys that it shows up with them.) When
dashing around a corner, the front part of their body aligns with their
new trajectory, and the back half lags behind...still scrambling in the
original direction, until it finally overshoots very slightly, then
corrects into line with where they're headed.  I used to think I was only
imagining seeing Onyx do this, but now that Satinka's joined us, I've seen
HER do this too!
The boys just sorta gallumph and/or bounce, I've seen no similar sort of
cornering technique from them.
Anyway... s'weird. :-)
(WA-state) Megan &
Grover Harry-Monster  (more treats please, mom!)
Onyx Kali  (but why CAN'T I go in the living room?!?)
Loki Gabriel  (more kisses please, mom!)
Satinka Silvertoes (BounceFlyTackleZoomMunchearsDookZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)
[Posted in FML issue 2548]