Just want to say thanks to all those who sent condolences.They've been
passed on to my daughter,and she saya thank you also.It's hard to lose your
husband on your anniversary,so the notes meant alot.
My grandson got a furby for Xmas,and they speak their own language.I think
Honey,the great stuffed animal thief,is going to teach it another
phrase.She saw the thing talking,went up and sniffed it,then grabbed it and
took off,my grandson hot on her heels.He got it back with a bit of tug of
war,but I swear it was saying something totally different,that I've never
heard before,as she was taking it to her hidey hole.Do you suppose it was
Furbish for " Help,the ferret's got me!  "?
Sandy (Oh,oh.)
Calvin (My furby.)
Jasmine ( What does she see in that?)
Taz (I don't want it,it's not a raisin.)
Honey (Gotcha,you fuzzy thing you.)
Sugar (At least it isn't my neck.)
Furby ( Help,a weasel's got me!)
[Posted in FML issue 2548]