Hi every body,
I'm Marty and have just become the proud care-giver to a beautiful little
girl called....well, I'm still working on that one.  As yet, nothing seems
just right for her!  This is my first ferret, though I have wanted one for
years.  They are still illegal in Queensland, Australia; for all the dumb
reasons they have in other places, and as I have just moved over the
boarder to New South Wales, (a short 15min drive from my previous abode!) I
can now have a ferret!  Knowing my love for the little guys, some friends
brought my my new companion as a house warming present - which was great.
The first two days were enormous fun too.  We explores the house together,
we played with a ball on a string for ages, she fell in my lap, and awoke
to lick my hand.  Being a responsible companion, I searched the pet shops
for ferret stuff and found absolutely nothing!  So to the net and search,
search, search.  I have spent hours at <ferretcentral.org> learning what I
can, reading about my little girl's requirements etc, and now have joined
the FML.  We have run into a problem though!  The biting has begun - and
how!  I can't even pet my little darling any more without ricking a big,
hard, nip!  : (
I hope it's just play nipping - she is very young (just 8 weeks I was
told).  She lived in an out door hutch with mum and sister, in a row of
some 5 hutches.  The breeder doesn't have the 10 or so ferrets as pets, he
uses them to help with the rabbit problem on his property!  They have lived
on mince meat, bread and milk and don't get much luvs if any!!!  So tell
me, am I going to be able to help my beauty become socially integrated and
a fun member of the household, or is it going to be that for the next 6-10
years we have to look but don't touch?  Can't get Ferretone or the like
here and am waiting an order form that great place The Ferret Store, which
I guess will take a week or 2.  Wish we had such places here in Oz!  Any
way - I need help!  have read what I can, have looked at the on-line
advice, have read the success stories and am trying my bets to help my
darling little girl.  If any of you can help me with advice - I would be
more that grateful.  Thanks for reading this, and I will keep you up-dated
on our progress!
Martin Elly
[Posted in FML issue 2548]