After the negative publicity from Jack Hanna, it is great to see a more
realistic protrayal on television.  This evening I caught a portion of
"America's Greatest Pets" on UPN
One of the featured pets was a ferret.  Although they mentioned that
ferrets were an "unusual" pet to train, the segment showed how easy ferrets
were to train and how fun they are.  It was obvious the owner was very
loving and knowledgable about her fuzzie.  This was definately not a
"vicious baby destroyer" that Mr. Hanna and some others would have America
believe.  How can you argue with a kissy fuzzbutt?  *grin*
Although I didn't see all of the captions, some "ferret facts" were
splashed on the screen, including that ferrets have been domesticated
longer than house cats.
This was my first time seeing the show but I enjoyed the antics so much
that I will definately watch it in the future.
On a sad note, my family lost one of our sweethearts today.  Despite the
best medical care possible in Houston, the intestinal infection he was
fighting for two weeks won and Slinky is now playing with Kizra at the
Rainbow Bridge.
Give your fuzzies warm hugs and kissies!!
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[Posted in FML issue 2542]