Turalee wrote:
>Do only the bad stories get reported?  I would be happy to open my heart
>and home to another fuzzy or two, but I don't want to risk Mikey health
>to do so.  Any comments or suggestion?
It is a shame that you do hear mostly of bad results in introducing new
I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  I have 9 ferrets as of recent.  Of
course, I keep saying I will not add another, but...
I have been very fortunate that from purchasing my first ones and then
rescuing the last 4 I have not had "any" problems with disease or illness
of any kind.  I was not even aware at the first introductions of the
potential of any disease, I did not subscribe to the FML or nor was I an
active member of our shelter yet.  I have been "very" lucky.  I now know
some of the precautions to take and did do so with my last recent addition.
I just thought I had to respond to that unfortunate remark that so little
do we hear of the good things.
I do believe it is a good thing to get Mikey a playmate, but that is
entirely up to your household abilities, etc.
Dona and my now 9 babies:  Ollie, Zoe, Caesar, Roxie, Luke, Zeke, Panda
Boy, Sadie & Moe
[Posted in FML issue 2547]