OK, today was nail-clipping day and I did the usual trick of
ferretone-on-the-belly for my three big kids.  When it came to my new kit,
though (who badly needed a trim), I was astonished.  She didn't like
Ferretone!!!  Even when I gently rubbed some on her mouth so she could get
a taste.  I ended up having to scruff her :( :( so I could get her front
claws & let the back ones alone to cut down on the length of time she had
to be scruffed.  I hated doing that though!  Any suggestions on what bribes
kits might like the best??
Oh!  I have tentatively given my new baby the name of "Satinka Silvertoes."
Satinka is a native american name meaning 'magic dancer', I /think/ it is
Lakota, but not sure about that.  (Maybe someone can correct me?)  Tinka is
such a sweetie :-) We'll see if the name suits her...
Happy new year everyone!
(WA-state) Megan & Grover, Onyx, Loki, and Tinka!
[Posted in FML issue 2542]