We had a ferret come into the vet clinic where I work tonight.  He is a
two year old male that lives with 2 other ferrets.  None of the others
are sick.  He does occasionally run loose and might have ate something he
shouldn't have.  Lethargic.  Weak.  Hasn't been eating very much in two
days.  Drinking lots of water.  Owners says he was straining to urinate.
Seemed very thin.  Dehydrated.  Huge, huge, huge spleen.  Tiny bladder and
he urinated all over the table and us!  Rest of his abdomen was difficult
to feel because he was so painful but no obvious masses or foreign bodies.
Hair looked very thick and normal looking.  Temp. normal.  Did bloodwork.
Everything normal but:hematocrit about 12 (very anemic), glucose 76(sort of
a fasting sample since he hasn't really been eating and hadn't had anything
prior to coming in tonight).  Owner wouldn't keep ferret with us over
night so we gave him SQ fluids and sent home.  Will see him again tomorrow
morning.  Ideas?  Enlarged spleen causing the problems?  Foreign body we
just can't feel?  Insulinoma?  Some other type of infection?  If any of you
have dealt with this sort of condition before or would have a suggestion,
please either respond to the list or email me privately ASAP.
[Posted in FML issue 2547]