Its official.  The contract has been signed and the deposit put down.  The
United Ferret Organization is going to host Utah's First Ferret Show, but
most important, were going to put on a FERRET RODEO.
So come one, come all.  I have sent out over 100 letters to businesses
informing them of this golden opportunity to show their latest and greatest
Ferret products.  In about a week, I will be contacting local businesses
who wish to participate in vending opportunites.  I just don't want this to
be a get together, but a learning experience for all Ferret enthusiasts out
I will be inviting several Ferret knowledgable Vets to come speak to the
public about Ferret Health topics.  This will help all of the new and
expecting Ferret Parents out there.  Have demonstations given on how to
care for your Ferret and precautions to take to keep your Fuzzie out of
It will take place June 12th and 13th, 1999, at the Golden Spike Exhibition
Hall, Ogden, Utah.  About 30 minutes north of Salt Lake City.  Its in Davis
If you would like more information, please contact me:Rick
United Ferret Organization
808 E. 9400 S. #150 Sandy, Utah 84094
(801) 572-6010 [log in to unmask]
The United Ferret Organization is dedicated to the protectection of the
Domestic Ferret and education others about the wonderful companion they
[Posted in FML issue 2547]