My name Is Mary.  My husband, Kris and I are G.L.F.A. members and run a
G.L.F.A. Ferret Care Home.
I know there are a lot of rumor's out there and that is why I feel compelled
to write this.  Maybe I can help separate fact from fiction and put a little
sanity back into our ferret world.
On Saturday, (Dec 26th), I received a call from a shelter that said they
had to liquidate their ferrets by Monday, the 28th, as they we'er leaving
on Tuesday to go on the road.  I immediately pulled out my shelter list
and started calling to see if people could take in , or hold any ferret's.
There were 52 and I could not take them all .  I have 42 here now..
A couple of people I called are online, and into the weee hour's of the
morning , They chatted and it was arranged for all the ferrets to be picked
up by a shelter in Cleveland , Ohio.
Sunday morning my phone rang, and I was told about the arrangements and was
asked to call the shelter to see if the arrangements were okay by them.
They agreed, and Cleveland was on their way.
At that point in time I (and I believe) , all involved were under the
impression that the ferrets were going to Ohio for a quarantine ONLY..
They could be returned to Michigan as soon as the shelters had room.
A few of us decided it would be a nice gesture to thank these wonderful
people in person, so we piled into the car and drove to the shelter.  Most
everything was done when we arrived..  We helped Ohio tear down some cages
and gathered bowls , and they were on their way.
I apologize for not calling , A.S.A.P. , to let the ferret community know
that Ohio was on their way home and all was well.  It was my first deleing
of this kind.(Naivete)
Animal Control had absolutely nothing to do with this shelters closing
down.  It was their own choice.  If we had more time , none of the ferrets
would be where they are now.  Out of 52 ferrets , only 36 went to Ohio , the
other 16 went to G.L.F.A. members (holding homes, care homes , etc...)..
I also understand that the ferrets are NOT coming back to Michigan because
there was a surrender agreement signed by the shelter.  I found this out
Dec 31st... A number of people ( I'm told) , feel cheated, but I get
surrender agreements when I take in ferrets at out Care Home , its just
What Is Done!!  If these people are serious , they can still adopt them
from the shelter in Ohio after Feb.  1st..
One other point , I have heard it rumored , that the shelter in Ohio is
E.C.E. Active.  THAT IS WRONG!!  There is a shelter that is E.C.E Active,
but it is a totally different shelter.
I hoe this clears up the sequence of events and how Ohio came to be
involved.  The main point is that the fuzzes are safe and secure.  They
are getting the medical attention they need, last but not least Loved.  We
commend Ohio for their valiant efforts and the way they acted so quickly.
Thank You
Kris & Mary Mewton
Warren,  MI.
P.S There is a few people that need the recognition they deserve
    Nanci Frazier - Ann Ladendorf - and   Laurie Long (Ohio Shelter ,
    and Jean)
[Posted in FML issue 2547]