Dear Gary  and ferret friends--
It seems like just yesterday, in 1995, when I was on the FM list for the
first time and started to hear of Timmy's miracle-- what a wonderful life
Gary has provided for Timmy's earthly time.
And Timmy still lives on in the hearts of all who knew him whether in
person or through the messages on how he was helped to recover from
lymphosarcoma etc.  Timmy will remain and has done so much good in the
ferret community.
Though his day did come, and he parted his loving Dad Gary with grace, he
gave us all the inspiration to look to alternatives when the traditional
therapies would fail..
Timmy's tale has inspired both vets, shelterers amd the general community
to be a bit more open minded when dealing with the dreaded affliction of
cancers which seem too prevalent in our ferret friends.
Though Timmy cannot be with Gary, or us in body, I am sure his spirit is
still around guiding and encouraging us all to be more aware and to never
give up -- until all resources have been tried.  This gave Timmy 3 or more
wonderful years..  Long live Timmy!
My deepest condolences to Gary.. and by the way sir , job well done.  Timmy
gave back just what he got-- lots of love!
with teary eyes,
[Posted in FML issue 2546]