Hi Fellow Ferret Friends,
We do foster care and also run a ferret shelter.  We have never had any
problems doing both until recently as the mother of the 14 year old we are
caring for insists that #1 ferrets are disease carrying animals and pose an
health risk to her daughter, #2 they are dangerous.  As a policy we never
let anyone including foster children into our ferret room, and they can
only pet the fuzzie while we hold it.  We keep records on all of our guys
and all are current on both distemper and rabies shots.  This mom is not
satisfied that we have passed a state inspection.  Our state inspector has
asked for paperwork to get mom off of his back and ours.  Would appreciate
any support we could get.  Thanks!!!!!
Mike and Denise Orlowski
[Posted in FML issue 2546]