I am very sorry to hear of Timmy's passing.  He was a real trooper, and
thanks to both him and you we will always remember Timmy through all the
ferret lives helped with "Timmy's Recipe".  I know of several times my
ferrets wouldn't have made it through their ill times without it, or your
kind and helpful advice.  I will remember him in my prayers tonight.
I know you've seen this poem before, but I felt that I should send it to
you again now that Timmy is at Rainbow Bridge.  I am sorry for your loss.
If you want to talk, or cry, or anything, just drop me an e-mail or call
me (I'm in the phone book).
You are a friend and please know that I share your sorrow and am here if
you need me.
In memory of Racy, Buddy, and all other Fuzzies who have crossed the
Rainbow Bridge.
I thought you would live forever,
It was foolish of me, I know.
I just wasn't ready yet.
To have to let you go.
I wanted God to give to you,
One last chance to play.
I needed one more fuzzie kiss,
And one more sunny day.
Just one more trip out to the park,
And one more ferret game.
Just one more time to hold you near,
And softly sing your name.
When you were young and scared at night,
I knew just what to do.
I put a night-light by your bed,
And lay down next to you
I learned all I could and gave to you,
The best of ferret care.
I bought you toys and played with you,
I just always figured you'd be there.
But now you=B9re gone, my little one.
The Rainbow Bridge to meet.
Oh how I miss your dooking sounds
And the dancing of your feet.
But before you leave, I ask of you,
Please bring close your angel light.
Stay with me until the dawn,
For this time it is I, who fear the night.
                 Copyright (David E. Caudill  1995, 1998)
David Caudill <[log in to unmask]>
Happiness is a cuddly ferret!
Member: Pam Greene's Ferret Help Team
Rec.Pets.Ferrets Moderator
Owner of 6 wonderful ferrets!
NOTE: I am NOT a vet. Any and all ferret advice is
just that, *advice*. I recommend you consult with
your vet on any areas of concern.
[Posted in FML issue 2545]