From: [log in to unmask] on 01/29/99 16:36:56
 To:   Ela Heyn/MCS/Price Waterhouse@Price Waterhouse-US
 Subject:  Re: no Upstate medical center
Hi Ela,
My name is Tamara G. W.  My husband and I are currently medical students at:
State University of NY Health Science Center @ Syracuse College of
Medicine.  Just for your information this is synonymous with Upstate.  A
few years back the name was changed, but the school/ residency programs are
the same and frequently people refer to the school as upstate because older
people are more familiar with this and it is easier to say.
I am not sure what this has to do with ferret stuff but I hope this answers
you question.
Tammy, Steve, and our two furries Sammy and Herschel
[Posted in FML issue 2572]