Hi everyone.  Well it's a rather long story I have here about I very
special ferret.  We would love to get ideas of how to go about dealing
with his problem.  If you go to
You will find the story.  I'm wondering other than the idea's I state in
there, I know I read a story in Modern Ferret about Ferret physical
therapy.  I'm not sure if this will help under the circumstances, but it
may.  I would love to find out the particulars of how to go about it, if
there may be some hope in getting this kid to be able to use his hind legs.
I would really like to find the person who is doing this, if you are out
there or if someone knows of the person, please contact me.
Dooks to all,
Kristine, Bear, Syvia, Moby and Sid
Friends Of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
Bend, OR
Help Friends of Fuzzies every time you browse or shop on-line-at no
cost to you.  Just begin by clicking here
[Posted in FML issue 2571]