Fuzzadigitation: The ability of most ferrets to be able to stand right in
front of you, looking you squarely in the eye and steal something without
you noticing!
Fuzz-Buster: The ferret that watches everything you do, so that you feel
incredibly guilty about doing it, instead of playing with them.
Ferret-Zip: The art of folding a ferret to fit into a tiny place, so you
can go into a store or other place without the ferret being detected.
Ferret Schwartzennagger: The super-strong ferret capable of dragging a
fully-grown human many times it's size, to a location where the human is
Ferret-Poof!-NoFerret: The ability of a ferret to disappear right before
your eyes.
Jedi Ferrets: Ferrets able to use mental control to move objects, people,
etc.  to places where they are desired.  Also describes how some ferrets
get to places that *should* be physically impossible for them to get to.
Puffer Ferret: The ability of the average ferret to make itself seem much
larger (and therefore more threatening) to a cat or dog, causing said
victim to flee in terror!
FishFert: The ferret that likes to put it's entire face into a water bowl
and pretend that it's a fish.
Double Ferret: What a ferret looks like after it's been bathed, then
Brown-thumbed Ferrets: Those that de-garden what others have gardened...
you know what I mean!
Todd and the (Hey!  Webster's!  We got *more* for ya!)  Fuzzbutt Rodeo
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[Posted in FML issue 2570]