Well, back online.  Lost soooo many copies of FML.  For some reason my
download manager scrambled everything up.  Either that or my Fuzzies are
working as spies for Ferret Liberation and getting cryptic messages.
Well, KIMO the Sumo Cat (and pseudo ferret) had his momma come for him.
After a 15 minute struggle, and coaxing with ferretone (yes, ferrtone) we
finally got him into his cage.  He was not a happy fur-ball.  Guess he knew
where his friends are.  Of course, his owner got upset learning of his
She called me 2 days after they left to tell me he was depressed and not
eating.  Well, when I arrived he could smell the fuzzy treats and raisins
in my pockets.  I got a more affectionate greeting then she ever did.
("ferretone?", "raisins?", "Nutri-Stat?", "Totally Ferret?", "WHAT THE
$^&*&*^%$ DID YOU DO TO MY CAT !!!!!!!?????!!!!" <sigh.....>  She could not
even get him to eat petro-malt, I had him gulping it down.  Cat was not
stupid - he saw the ferts line up for treats, he got right in line.  Even
growled if I overlooked him.  (15plus pound cat?  How could you EVER
overlook him?)
PETEY and CUDDLES are still not getting along with the rest of the Flurry
(yes, my phrase again - have we put it in the Fuzzy Dictionary yet?  Means
same as "business" except without the suits <grin>).
PETEY is just plain old anti-social, CUDDLES still gets pounced on (and
sometimes bitten) by the others.  Especially my own female albino SPRITE.
What could cause this?  Jealousy?  Could there be something wrong with
CUDDLES that the others are picking up on?
Tried the ferrtone coating trick, Fuzzy Duck Soup Party, bathing to
eliminate distinctive scents, heck - the only thing I have not tried is
an Ice Cream Social.
Anyone with ideas - please contact me. <geez>  They all got along better
with the cat.
Kevin B and the ~~Silly~Slinky~Seven~~  and ~Fur-Angel Lady~
      Plus visiting guest star Petey (still just dookin' through ......)
[Posted in FML issue 2570]