I have a new situation and I'm wondering if someone can tell me if it's
normal.  I have 6 ferrets.  2 are 3 and a half years old.  1 is 1 year old.
3 are about 5 months old.  I normally live in Michigan.  I brought the
ferrets with me to Florida for an extended vacation.  The 3 youngest ones
all gained some weight during the trip (by car) and the first week here
(Florida).  The 3 older ones all lost some weight during the same time.
I know the coat changes are triggered by the length of daylight.  Is the
weight gain/loss triggered by the temperature?  No one lost enough or
gained enough to be of medical concern.  But I found the division strange
and was just wondering.  The youngest ones still tend to be gaining
overall, so I figure that is normal.  But the loss in the older ones
has me wondering.
Can someone please let me know?  There are no symptoms of anything.  All
poops are normal.  Diet hasn't changed, etc.
Thank you!!
[Posted in FML issue 2570]