Margaret, Your not alone, my Chico is aggressive to the newcomers.  It's
been a little over two months now since we added 8 to are existing two.  He
is getting better, not as aggressive and backs away sometimes and with some
of them, when he doesn't catch them by surprise from behind, of course.
Some of the older ferrets I still won't let him around for fear that he
will hurt them (I've seen him in action!).  We make separate play times :o)
He's my "little baby-brat" (not so little), hellion child, in to
everything, I can go and be and do anything, solid muscle from head to toe,
Path Valley Farm ferret, and I love him for it, even though I wish he
wasn't so mean to the others.  I'll be a HAPPY mom when I actually see them
"play" together!!!
I know there are some ferrets that just don't like other ferrets and I have
not had any experience with that, but I know that the shelters have.
Hopefully they can shed some light on that subject for you.  They all have
different personalities.  Ya just got-ta love 'em!  And whoever posts that
says they are like potato chips, you can't have just one is really correct!
Hope that helps!
Mary and all 15 (10 ferrets, 4 cats, and 1 3-legged dog)
hico - Mom, why did you have to get sooo many, Rowdy and I were just
fine before they came!
        Mom - Because Rowdy has been through 3 surgeries he's 5 and you'll
need other "play"  mates...
        T-Bear waiting at the Bridge
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2569]