[Moderator's note: In yesterday's FML, Sukie suggested a survey about
collodial silver and posted a sample form.  So far, this is the only
reply, so I may as well include it in the regualr FML.  If I'm flooded
with replies, then they'll be handled differently.  BIG]
- Ferret's age or age at death:  6-7 years (still living)
- Is this age an estimate (not known for sure within 3 months):
  Yes - ferret was found lost/abandoned originally; age unknown
- How long has (had) the ferret been on colloidal silver: 6 months, taken
  intermittently on as needed basis
- Why was it tried?:  Last resort after conventional medicine failed to
  clear probable bacterial/viral infection
- How was the ferret's health at the time?:  Very poor
  Why?: Specific diagnosis never made, despite extensive testing.  Suspected
  bacterial/viral infection, and vet.  declared illness to result partly
  from "old age".  Treatment with antibiotics failed to improve situation.
- Dose: 1/2 dropper
- Source: Ultrasilver (I think; I'd need to look that up)
- Frequency: BID
- How long used:  2 weeks, during illness.  Intermittently a few times
  since then, orally and topically
- Is it still being given?: When needed (maybe once every two months ...)
- If so give dose, source, and frequecy:  Above cited dose and source.
  Frequency:  as needed.  Often only one dosage - when topically applied.
- What numbers show up on the ferret's CBC tests (preferably before and
  after with you giving how long before and how long after the compound
  was begun)?
  Before: would need to check with vet (no test results kept on hand in my
  residence - Vet is Dr. R.J.  Re of Nutley Animal Hospital, Nutley, NJ;
  liver enzymes - were definitely elevated before treatment, normal after
  treatment.  Other medical test numbers?: Dr. Re has records; I could get
  copies if needed.
- What did the ferret die of?:  Still living
- What other symptoms/health history/etc. were seen?: Dehydration, weight
  loss, lethargy, probable nausea, abnormalstools
- At what ages have your other ferrets died?:   Five, six, and two
- Were they treated with colloidal silver?:  No
- Please, supply the same sorts of information for your other ferrets for
  a household comparison: Other ferret - still living - Scooter, age 3 1/2
  years, intermittent helicobacter problems.  First bout of helicobacter
  disappeared after approximately four months' treatment with Tagamet,
  Reglan, Carafate, Amoxicillin and Bismuth.  Second bout of helicobacter
  disappeared after two days of - colloidal silver and pink bismuth were
  given at onset of symptoms.  Symptoms have not reoccured.  Ferret is
  healthy and has regained lost weight.
[Posted in FML issue 2568]