>From:    zauberin <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Collidal Silver posts: please continue!
>I'm not sure if this will come across the way it is supposed to, but it's
>basically just a plea for the posts to continue.
Understood very clearly.  Your message was nicely put.
>*I* need to know which is "right".
You will have to weigh the pros and cons of the differing opinions for
yourself.  You might consider going to some of the URLs cited by those of
us who cite them.  To me when the FDA and other scientific organizations
clearly state the dnagers and lack of benefits while the proponents tend to
brush aside the dangers with what seems nothing more than pseudo-scientific
nonsensical babble its pretty clear.
If you have specific questions about information from these web sites as
long as BIG considers them on topic enough to get it straight there are
several of us here who I am sure would be willing to explain the technical
terms.  Although I am specifically a computer scientist I have worked in
several area where I have had to deal with these types of discussion.  I've
done chemical process control and spectroscopy applications that I have had
to understand the process enough to make the software function with in that
area.  We have enough vets and vet students that I'm sure they can put a
even more 'correct' explanation of what is meaningful and what is
The more I resarch colloidal silver though the more I am opposed to even
trying it in desparation.  As I stated the Center for Veterinary Medicine
with in the Food and Drug Administration is rather emphatically opposed to
the use of colloidal silver as ferret medicine.
The Environmental Protection Adminsitration is not in favor of colloidal
silver even though its not exactly in their domain to be concerned.  They
merely have strong warnings about silver in the environment though they
have not done their own research to determine a 'safe level'.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2567]