Just wanted to take a moment because I just saw some of the greatest
ferret PR on TV that I've ever seen!  There was a man on Martha Stewart's
television show today (which is shown nationally) who was bathing animals.
I didn't catch if he was a vet or perhaps a groomer, I woke up a bit late.
They bathed the usual dogs and cats, and THEN went on to bathe ferrets,
birds and other animals.  It was so great!
The best part was that Martha was holding two lovely ferrets, who turned
out to be owned by the man who was doing the washing.  And she called them
beautiful said all sorts of nice things about them before turning them over
to their owner.  No wrong information..just praise.  Martha asked if
ferrets liked water and the man said yes, because ferrets were members of
the same family as otters!  Hooray for more correct information!
Among the things he said was that ferrets were good floor dusters since
they ran around under and around furniture and so from time to time they
need a bath, he didn't mention not to over bathe them but he did say that
ferrets need the oil in their coats so to be careful not to strip that by
using the wrong kinds of shampoo.  The wiggly fuzzy that he washed was on
perfect behaviour, and after the man gently squeezed out the extra water he
put the ferret in a towel and said, "now he's going to do the ferret dance"
and his ferret (named Splash) proceeded to jump around and rub himself to
get dry.  He also said that it was pointless to bathe your ferret and then
put him back in a dirty cage, to make sure and wash bedding too.
It really excited me to see such a great, widely televised and most
importantly CORRECT segment that involved our little wonders.
I haven't checked it yet but Martha Stewart does have a website that
usually has information about her show on it, at www.marthastewart.com .
I'm definitely going to write and praise her.
[Posted in FML issue 2567]