Hello Everyone,
Just thought you might enjoy reading about a survey blasting DFG.  Who was
surveyed?  DFG EMPLOYEES!!!
  "Two-thirds of employees said during the Wilson administration agency
  permits, policy development and enforcement decisions were not based on
  the best scientific information."
This describes the ferret situation in CA EXACTLY!!!
  "An even higher margin -- 81 percent -- said politics influenced
  scientific evaluations.  The survey also uncovered poor employee morale,
  with more than a third of respondents saying they feared job-related
  retaliation for advocating environmental enforcement."
So the many, many wildlife biologists and wardens within the department
that support legalization (and I know for a fact that there are quite a
few) risk reprisal for stating a dissenting opinion.  That's a great
motivator for change isn't it?
Those of you in CA should copy this story and mail it to your State Senator
and State Assemblymember and tell them that this is the reason ferrets are
still illegal in CA and that this agency needs to be completely cleaned up!
To read more about the results of the survey (absolutely not surprising to
anyone who knows this horrible agency), visit the address of original story:
All quotes (c) 1998 Contra Costa Newspapers
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization
410 Mountain Home Road
Woodside, CA 94062
[Posted in FML issue 2566]