This is the text of the msg tx'd to the Washington State Ferret Association
Mailing List and answered by Edward Lipinski following said msg.>
>"Bryan-Nancy Lipscy" <[log in to unmask]>
>We tend to our fur kids regularly.  It is becoming harder and harder for
>me to handle the small set of nail clippers that we bought to clip the
>nails with.  I have fairly large hands and 15 years of being on a keyboard
>has started taking its toll.  So to the question:
>Does anyone have any suggestions for nail clippers?  Preferably something
>that is easier to handle.
This is Edward LipNski of Ferrets NorthWest FNW, the shelter that you two
visited last month in your efforts to adopt a new ferret into your family.
I do hope you found one that met your requirements.  So sorry that our
selections of available ferrets less than you hoped for.  Perhaps another
With respect to trimming ferret's claws and the need for a larger implement
you may benefit from our experience here at FNW.
We use a nail clipper that is engineered for clipping human toenails.  It
is about three times larger than the normal fingernail clipper, is very
easy to see just where on the ferret's claws you're cutting and fits the
human hand so much more securely than the smaller fingernail clipper.  The
manufacturer is Revlon.
Just to be absolutely clear about this clipper, it is not similar to a pair
of pliers but looks just like the big brother of the little fingernail
clipper.  The pressure lever can be rotated with respect to the body of the
clipper and thusly may be folded flatter and stored in a smaller enclosure
than when it is opened, rotated and ready for use.
Although the weather is not cooperating just now with the rain and muddy
soil, we have found that in the dryer months of the year, allowing the
ferrets to dig in the soil to their contentment, completely eliminates
the need to cut the ferret's claws, since they wear them down with their
exuberant digging of holes and tunnels in the soil.  You may have noted
that the foreclaws grow at a much faster rate (3X) than the rear or
hindclaws.  The very fact that this differential exists between the fore
and hindclaw growth gives notice to the inherent need for the ferret to
dig, dig, and dig.
I see it as somewhat analagous to the teeth of the beaver, insofar that in
the event the beaver is unable to chew on wood (trees trunks and branches)
the teeth will grow to such lengths that the beaver's mouth will be
completely blocked by his formidable incisors and starvation is the
recognized consequence.  The ferret, of course, is not in such jeopardy as
the beaver in the event the ferret cannot dig, but nevertheless the
uncorrected foreclaw growth of the ferrets claws may cause forepaw
deformity over time, due to the rapid growth and hypocurvature of the
I hope this opinioned info is of use to you, since I must proclaim that I
alone am the world's greatest expert in giving voice to MY own opinion.
By the way, if of interest to all you FMLers, you'd care to monitor and/or
contribute to the ferretmailing list of the Washington State Ferret
Association WSFA (An association that I've had absolutely nothing to do
with heretofore) you could participate via the address of
[log in to unmask]  They're having a meeting Sunday the 24th at 1430
hrs in Bellyvue, Washington at Todd Cromwell's place:
[Moderator's note: I had to delete the address since I couldn't at this
late hour contact Todd to get his permission to post it.  BIG]
Bring a 6-pack and a jar of pickled pig's feet (that's what I'm going to
Edward Lipinski, Der Frettchenliebhaber Autzerordenliche.  [G.]  The
ferret fancier extraordinary.
[Posted in FML issue 2565]