Here's an interesting thing.  Last night I met someone who claims to be
owned by a black footed ferret named rosco.  She claims that BF ferrets
are no longer endangered and actually being bred domestically!  This is
contrary to everything I've heard on the subject, and I think she may just
be mistaking her sable for a BFF.  (My Jerry is pretty darned special too,
but a sable, nonetheless.)  She even says that she has to feed him real
meat but that his temperment is very friendly and normal-ferret like.
Anybody heard anything about domestic BFF?
Lemme know!  [log in to unmask]
Jerry-says nothing b/c he's in his cage being punished for strewing a
houseplant and it's dirt EVERYWHERE!!!  (ya gotta love em)
[Posted in FML issue 2564]