For some reason there seem to be some who have a feeling that I must be
responsible for some excellent webpages, simply because I RECOMMENDED those
pages.  NOT the case.  Actually, I've never had the time to learn how to do
a webpage, yet, and don't have any, nor would I be able to carry off these
great pages.  People DO recommend things which aren't their own labors of
love, you know!
Of the three wonderful ones I have recently mentioned: Bruce Williams,
who is probably the world's most knowledgeable vet on ferret pathology,
does the AFIP site on ferret health problems.  Pam Troutman who runs STAR
Ferrets (Shelters that Adopt and Rescue Ferrets, a helpful blanket group
through which shelters help each other) does the Vets Listings.  Pam
Greene is the one who has worked her tail off through the years with
Ferret Central, getting specialist vets and experienced owners to provide
information and then making it readable, presentable, and easy to use, with
a good deal of her own writing in there, too.
I certainly can NOT take credit for their hard work, and my recommendations
are based on knowing that they do good work in various tasks, and often
hearing from others through the years how helpful their work is.  (One
thing I can say about myself is that I've been here from the start
(actually before the start -- in the groups which led to the FML and in the
core group which originally wanted it) so I have gotten a feeling for what
people have found useful through the years.
Hey, people DO recommend the efforts of others when the results are
downright marvelous!  Heck, I recommend this list on a regular basis and
you know I'm not that wonderful guy, Bill Gruber!  Wow, Bill, we've hit
over 3,000!  That's 50% larger than the TOWN I grew up in!  (I think the
town had at least as many characters as the list does, with fewer people
and more cops. <G>)  For those who don't know, there are people who study
list phenomena (not me but I know some) and lists which get to over 1,000
are exceedingly rare as are long-lived lists.  In this list -- first with
Chris who had it for a long while though it hadn't mushroomed to incredibly
huge size then, and for a number of years with Bill Gruber -- both
shockingly large size and startling longevity (11 years so far) are
combined.  Obviously this is a success which others can use as a model.  I
am looking forward to the day when the FML is held up in major radio news,
newspapers and other places as the way it CAN be done; of course, BILL
might feel otherwise!
For THEIR sites:
for which I do NOT, can NOT, would NOT take credit, but I SURE DO RECOMMEND
[Posted in FML issue 2564]