Hi All,
Overall, they are all doing great.  Getting better by the day.  Second set
of shots-next week then on to the neuter & spays.  I have to say thank you
to a whole lot of people who without I would be in a big mess.  They all
have donated in one way or another & they have taught me the true meaning
of the phase - warm fuzzy feeling.  I have tryed to thank everybody one on
one but for some who aren't on line or I couldn't find e-mail addys, please
except this Thank you.  You people are fantastic!  I really couldn't be
doing this without all of your help.
Jean Caputo Lee - Mary & Nanci - Bev & Charlie Fox - Linda Iroff - Julie
Fossa - STAR - Mildred Moore - The Ferret Angel - Margie - Steve & Rebecca
McMall - Millie Saunders - Jamie & Missy Steinhauer - Linda Harrah - Faith
Hood - Ingrid Rhinehart - The Ferret Store - S.O.S.  - Ferret Aid Society
of Toronto - Ilena Ayala - Kim Vander Lann - B.Wiborg - Plashette
Cassarella - Megan O'Shaughnesey - Lori Sies & company - GLFA - Marsha
Stanek - Ferrets R No.1 shelter - Winship & Anne Brown - Beth Reburn -
A.Wiebe - Vicki Henderson - Carol Voivedich - Robert & Stephanie Portwood -
Jean Turanski - Jeanie Williams - Pat Andrews - Georgia Wood - Chester
Bishop - Kim Barone - Jackie Hawley - Gary Holowicki - Troy Lynn Echart -
Ela Heyn - Dr. Wayne Turner/Animal Clinic Northview - Douds Vet. Hospital -
my husband & kids - I hope I haven't left anyone out - if I have, I am
very sorry.  Please forgive me - it has been just a tad crazy around here
for the last month.
Once again - Thank you all so very very much from the Michigan Lost
Souls & me.
Laurie Long
Raisin Retreat Ferret Shelter
Elyria, Ohio
Where homeless raisins hang their hats
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Founding member - IFWS
[Posted in FML issue 2563]