Unless new points about colloidal silver get brouht up we hope to end our
involvement with this post on it.  Its pretty obvious we don't think using
colloidal silver on ferrets is a good idea.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Colloidal silver
Your comments again use backing evidence of silver as a substance that can
kill  - in a water purification system that is good.  You want to kill the
living organisms as part of purification.  In the body the exact same
things that let colloidla silver (or other silver compounds) kill microbes
in water purification would well occur internally.  But silver is not
intelligent in any way.  If the cells it happens to kill are infectious
germs thats good.  However the very nature of the body being composed of
billions of body cells and a comparitively smaller number of invading
organisms the problem that most of the cells killed by the silver would
not be the invaders but instead parts of the very body that one would
have hoped to be helping.
Colloidal silver is just another 'snake oil'.
>From:    Sherry Cox <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Colloidal silver
>What keeps the silver from oxidizing, and binding with cell membranes and
>DNA of the patient's own cells, while doing so in the invasive cells?
Exactly what you might suspect.  Nothing.
Colloidal silver is poison.  Antiseptics are by their very nature poisons.
Tincture of iodine is a topical antiseptic and although out of vogue for
several reasons.  It was a topical and not internal killer of pathogens.
Applied to the skin antiseptics are intended to kill germs before they get
into the body.  Most topical antiseptics are too poisonous to be used
internally.  There are many modern topical ointments that are safer and
better to use than silver on most cuts and other wounds so even that use of
colloidal silver is probably not wise.
>From:    Ryan Seaton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: moving
We have obvious (to Ryan) reasons for still feeling responsible for the
ferrets.  We are not geographically close but let us know if you need
our services.  We have a large place...
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2562]