Hewwwwoooo? Anyone home?
Oh look!  I see meadows!  Wow, and clouds and sky and... Oh!  Dis place has
lots of t'ings!  Friend to play wiv - ooooooh and grass to slide around in!
Oh, that sun feels nice!  And that colorful t'ing dere.  Dat must be what
momma called de rainbow bwidge.
Oh! And look! Dere's a pool here dat I can look in an' see ev'ryone!
Hi there!!!!
Oh, dere's momma.  But, she doesn't see me :(  At least I can see her.
She's playing with my brothers and sisters.  More hoomans here too!  Hey
look, even hoomans in CaCaland with fuzzy babies just like me!  And where's
that?  Oh!  mommy's friend Sue in North Dakota!  Hi twichi!  And Lynda in
Kansas with all her foster fuzzies.  Yoohoo Razz!!  Oh, there's the ferret
god Bhor in Missouri!  And... oh wow, I can see you all!  Hi ev'ryone!
Oh! Someone wants to play now! buhbye ev'ryone!
[Posted in FML issue 2561]