Does any one out there have a fuzzie who eats their towel bedding?  And if you use an alternative bedding for them?
My precious momma's boy LittleMan has an insatiable appetite for fabric.
Doesn't matter if it is a sheet, a towel, a blanket, sweatpants, t-shirts,
flannel, satin, denim....YOU NAME IT.  I think I have tried everything and
no luck.  This past weekend he began throwing up towel fibers.  Luckily I
recognized the symptoms and got out the hair-ball medicine - I've learned
to keep several tubes on hand.  I have also become a major stool-watcher -
okay, so what ferret lover isn't?  Anyway... After 24 hours and no
towel-poop, off to the vet for a barium series we went.  Four hours and
$150.00 later I have multiple x-ray views of LittleMan's towel-filled
intestines and one hour after that I have a perfectly formed towel-poop in
the carrier.  I've never been so happy to clean up poop before!  This time
we were lucky...but what about next time?  I love this ferret and believe
that I take good care of him.  He is not only our pet - he is part of our
family and deserves the best home we can possibly give him.  He eats
Totally Ferret, has much play-time inside and outside and excellent vet
care.  How can I keep him comfortable and warm without bedding to snuggle
in?  Anybody out there with a similar problem?
Kim Black - proud owner of LittleMan the towel eater
[Posted in FML issue 2560]