The Central Florida Ferret Friends is sponsoring a ferret show &
competition on Feb.27 from 10a-5p in Kisimmee.  I am not involved with
Central FL Ferret Friends, but I am going to the show and I would like to
encourage all of you who can to go to the show.  There will be a ring
competition for color/patterns, and lots of ferret games and contests.
Trophies and ribbons will be awarded to the winners.  The cost to get in
and compete is very reasonable, and the money will of course be helping
ferrets.  So I hope everyone can and will go!!  It is sure to be a lot of
I am organizing the FMLers and others who are going so we can get together
at the show, and go out afterwards.  I am really looking forward to meeting
people or getting re-acquainted with those I met at the FML 10th
Anniversary in Orlando last January.
**If you are planning to go to the show** you need to first contact the
show coordinators to get signed up.  THE DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS APPROACHING
FAST!!!  The email address is   [log in to unmask]    Send them your snail mail
address so they can send you some info.  I think you will need to fill out
your entry form or whatever and send it back to them.  Hurry before the
deadline is here!!!  Note: your ferrets must have proof of current distemper
vaccine to enter the show hall.  Second, please email me and tell me you
are going to the show.  What I need to know is: Where are you coming from?
How many ferrets are you bringing?  Will you be needing any help with
transportation, ferret stuff, etc.?  I am at [log in to unmask]
Hope to see everyone there!!!
Rachelle, McKyle, & Merlin
[Posted in FML issue 2560]