>From:    Sunshine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Two Versus One
In my experience, & speaking very generally, placing a mature jill w/a jill
can sometimes be problematic.  With such a young ferret there ususally
isn't too much of a problem.  It's more a case of who your little guy is
compatible with.  My best advice is to let him choose his buddy.  There's a
good reason most rescues require you to bring your ferret to meet the
available fosters, because they (the ferrets) get to choose, not you ;).
Please consider the potential problems involved w/acquiring another ferret
before you actually bring one home & be prepared to accept the
responsibilities.  If you buy ferret from a pet store for you little guy, &
they absolutely go at each other tooth & nail, are you prepared to house
them seperately & provide time to both individually?  And are you willing
to work w/them for possibly months to over come the problem?  If you aren't
in a position to have a 2nd cage & supplies, as well as enough time to
devote to the problem, then what will you do?  Do you have it in writing
that the pet store will take back the ferret for a refund or allow you to
try another until you find a match?
The alternative is adoption.  There you have the time to introduce him to
other ferrets & know if they get along.  The foster care provider already
knows which of their fosters accept other ferrets & who doesn't.  Most
rescues are prepared (or require) to have the ferret returned to them in
the event it can no longer be properly provided for.  They eliminate the
guesswork to provide permanent, loving homes for their wards.  You can find
a list of ferret rescues at ferretcentral.  Even if a rescue isn't local,
it's worth the trip.
Be prepared for the unexpeced.  And remember, we're here to help.
Juliana  (770) 984-1417
(fer'it`biz'nis) n.  1.Ferret foster care & adoption.  2 Info about ferret
care & ownership.  3 What a ferret does.  4 A collection of ferrets.  5 A
direct result of ferret math.
/That's BUSINESS as in a bunch of ferrets folks./
[Posted in FML issue 2559]