Well, each fert is really unique in his or her own way.  I would not say
one is more affectionate than another.  Hmmm, try and make a ferret
standard and they will break it.  Nor have I seen a direct pattern of male
& males or males & females getting along better than the other.  If you are
getting a new baby and have a shelter near by, thats probley the best way
to go.  Most shelters let you bring your ferret in to help in the choosing.
-good luck with your fur kid and maybe soon to be.
Ants-Probley adds more protein to their diet.  Yummy.  I've heard the lime
juice, peper sauce and many other non-toxic things work, of course not of
these the ferret would approve of in his cage.  Yuk.
Bob Church-you explained the diff between domestication and training very
elequently.  Now if you breeders out their could just work on ferrets who
inherentable potty manners.
Dooks to all,
Kristine, Bear, Syvia, Moby and Sid
Friends Of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
Bend, OR
Help Friends of Fuzzies every time you browse or shop on-line-at no cost to
you.  Just begin by clicking here
[Posted in FML issue 2559]