Yep, I have the problem too.  Little Ajax came home half out of his skin
Any noise whatsoever and he was like a rocket heading for whatever was low
and dark.  His ideas were to run first, ask questions later.  By 6 months,
he weight 3.8 lbs and is big big big.  Can't fight worth a darn.  Even
little 1.2 lb Ammonia gives him the good old body slam all the time and
tiny Joy still pulls him around by the neck - him so big he has to kinda
walk along with her squated down.
It worried me a lot about this as to whether sometime when he was being
visited before I got him while Ms. Patty was out of town, that he had had a
bad experience but I didn't really think so, her ferrets are too well cared
for and loved.  I knew nothing happened here so why so scared?  But I guess
its like humans, sometimes size has nothing to do with it.  It's the
I do see him out growing it a little though.  But I am afraid it is more
cause he is "coming" of age.  His use of "toilet water" is one clue, which
I tell him is NOT sexy and I think he is staying up late to watch the "R"
rated movies on the tv - he needs to watch the Wild Kingdom instead cause
he's got the moves ALLLLLL wrong.
Be patient and perhaps yours will get away from that running away all the
time.  I have to say Ajax is loveable and easy to hold cause he just
freezes when you hold him and only on prolonged holds does he think he has
a right to wiggle out of grasp.
Millie and her noble cleaning crew
Easy Off: The most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  They say a ferrets attention span is very short, then why
          does she say Oscar this, Oscar that, Oscar Oscar ALL the time
Cascade:  What do you say Dizzy, think we might float us a boat in the
          tub, hummm sweetiepie?
Ajax:   Here girlygirlygirly, come to Mr. America
Dizzy:  Is that what I used to do, rub urine all over me, yukkkk
Joy:    Yep, and that's why I slept in the far hammock too.
[Posted in FML issue 2558]