Greetings All...
I wanted to get anyone's opinion about my oldest ferret's on-going medical
problems.  Winnie is about a 4 y/o MF femal who since I brought her home
from the shelter here in Kansas City, has had three trips to the Vet for
Diarrhea problems which have been cleared up (for the time being) with
Amoxi-drops.  For the passed few weeks now, she has been very lethargic
and shakes quite a bit.  She will play for a few minutes and then crash out
on a blanket or anywhere quiet when she's outside her cage.  At first I
thought her shaking was due to her being stressed out while I was handling
her but she does this even when she is lying down in or out of her cage
pretty much all the time.  On top of all that, she appears to be either
almost completely deaf or going there rapidly!
I thought perhaps her shaking and hearing loss and lethargy could just be
old age but I'm not sure that it's not something neurological.  I took
Winnie (and Wylie of course..thier inseperable) to the Vet this morning for
his opinion and after examining her, he could find nothing physically wrong
with her.  He suggested I get blood work done on her Monday to rule out
anything else.  I have to wait because he said Winnie would have to be
anesthatised for the venipuncture, which is either gotten from her External
Jugular Vein or a vein at the base of her tail!!!!  Who knew?
So!..........Ferret experts that you all are, I decided to seek another
3000 opinions and see what you all thought.  Sometimes (more of than not
I'm finding out) most Vets don't know or are not as well informed as most
Ferret owners.
I would appreciate any and all thoughts or opinions.  I'm kinda getting
scared at this point but I don't want to over react about what it might be.
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[Posted in FML issue 2558]