Dearest Oscar:
I am really losing my patience with that woman.  I mean she has been home 4
days now.  All she talks about is the things they saw.  I asked her to
concentrate more on the questions.  At first she told me you were kinda a
silver like sable, had a beautiful mask, was very mature and mannerly, that
you did kinda have an roll around the tummy but it is charming, you play
with your Mr. Ron in a sophisticated manner, and was a perfect little
gentlemen.  Then she goes on for hours talking about the trip to the
capital and how she learned all about these two governors called Long
(which I always thought people were called Tall, not Long).  I asked if you
asked about me.  And she said you did and wanted to know if the pictures
were my true color, and if I was a quiet or like Ammonia, and if I checked
my mail a lot.  But then she goes back to the old capital and how they had
all this information about some broadcasting guy who wrote about an Uncle
Remis and Baer Rabbit and and I asked her if you liked special treats and
she said you really got so excited about some that Ms Carol bought you
hopped up and down and just about clapped your paws together
And before I could stop her, she talked about New Orleans and the fish
acquarium where you go through this glass tunnel and the fish swim over
head and the pictures she took, and I asked her to tell me more about you,
and she said you were just about the nicest ferret she had ever met and how
she enjoyed Baily Boy and Elle and especially Lilly who is oh so full of
life and I asked more about you and she told me she tagged the title of
Working Girl on Elle cause when they fixed up a rice box, it was Elle who
got in there and was so serious about making a canal around the edges and
she just worked and worked and round and round she went.  and I asked what
about you, did you enjoy it and she went on talking about the shows in the
middle of the street where they got the audiences all involved, and coffee
houses right out on the street where you can watch, and the ferry going
across the water and oh so much more.
I asked her to please quit rambling and tell me more about you but she just
picked up Joy, rolled her on her back and tickled her tummy singing "It's
my belly, and I'll tickle if I want to, tickle if I want to, lala" and she
just ignores me.
I mean, why did she go all that way if it wasn't to learn about you !!!
She really does get on my wrong side at times.
Well, I am enjoying your picture hanging in my cage.  As soon as I go to
one of those Glamor Shops, I will send you a "decent" picture of me.
With All My Love, Easy off
c/o Millie and her romping, making up lost time noble cleaning crew
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  No question about it, Easy Off, that blemish on your nose IS
getting bigger
Cascade:  Oh, the trip sounds like it was so much fun and educational
Ajax:  Heck with all that, all I wanna know is can he wressstle good
Dizzy:  I am sure Grandma has more to tell us about her trip if you will
just be quiet Easy Off
Joy:  The woman had no business going off without us and you all act
like its okay.
[Posted in FML issue 2556]