I read the article posted about the benedryl, and found it very
informative.  However, I just wanted to mention that in a veterinary artcle
I read (Companion Animal Practice, July 1998) about treating distemper in a
young ferret, the author states that prior to the diagnosis, they attempted
to treat the symptoms with "diphenhydramine (50 mg orally bid)."  I'm
wondering if the dosage for ferrets would be totally different than humans
because perhaps the ferrets metabolize the medication differently.  In that
case, you wouldn't be able to go by the label at all, unless it pertained
specifically to ferrets.  I mean, we're talking 100 mg of diphenohydramine
per day!  This sort of makes sense to me, I'm just curious if it makes any
sense to you.  Just food for though over all!
[Posted in FML issue 2521]