I too watched the PO5 episode and was completely shocked to the point of
being speechless by the release of the ferret into the wild.
Here is the address for comments for FOX, as well as a copy of the letter I
send to them this afternoon.
e-mail to "[log in to unmask]"
>Dear Fox:
>I would like to start by saying that I absolutely LOVE Party of Five.
>It is my favorite show.
>However, I did encounter one glaring problem with the episode that aired
>Wed., Dec. 9.  In it Griffin is supposed to deliver a domesticated ferret
>to a taxidermist and decides instead to release it into the wild because
>it is a predator and will be better off that way.
>As a ferret owner for 4 years and ferret enthusiast for much longer, I felt
>the need to comment about this situation.  I can overlook the mistake of
>providing no food or litter box in the cage (although you did thoughtfully
>provide water), but the issue of releasing the poor creature I could not
>Let me assure you that the ferret will NOT be better off in the wild.
>Ferrets are domesticated pets that have been bred for hundreds of years to
>become human companion animals.  They cannot survive in the wild.  True,
>ferrets can hunt and kill mice and rats in your home or barn.  But they
>are meant to be pets that live in a home.  They are tame, loving, curious
>animals that crave human contact.  They do not know how to hide from other
>predators.  I could site examples of ferrets that escaped from their homes
>and were mauled to death by dogs right in the same neighborhood.
>Your excuse for releasing the animal into the wild would be analogous to
>releasing a pet chihuahua because they're related to wolves and wolves
>survive in the wild.  It's absurd.
>I am sorely disappointed that your show took an opportunity to present
>ferrets in a very positive light and ruined it by providing grossly
>misleading information.
>Aileen Nippins
>Baltimore, MD
>[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2520]