Hello all I wanted to lat you all know thta Gizmo is drinking the KMR and
doing very well thankyou all for sending e-mails.  Snowball we noticed was
also dehydrated so we are helping him out too.
Another thing we were wondering if anyone might have any ferret sound that
we couls use on our web page (of fuzzies) new pics will be added soon of
Snowball and Gizmo.... We take Gizmo every where so I can feed him every
two -three hrs.  He thinks it is so much fun.  Snowball however is the best
friend Gizmo could have ever asked for , yesterday Gizmo was trying very
hard to eat the soft food, Snowball would take a bit and then give it to
Gizmo so he could eat the food too.  Snowball sleeps right next to Gizmo to
keep him warm and is always sticking Gizmo in front of the food so he will
eat and drink.  Thankyou again for all your help.  Sorry if I didn't
respond to all the e-mails I got but things were a little hetick around
here trying to get our little one one the healthy side , on a happier note
GIZMO is running around slowly but surely!;-)
Thankyou again,
Sarah and Jeremy Menefee
"DOOK ,DOOK everyone!"
[Posted in FML issue 2510]